Journals |
- Asako Soga, Yuho Yazaki, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Automatic Synthesizing System of Choreography for Supporting Contemporary Dance Creation, Generative Art Science and Technology Hard Journal, article ID 65, May. 2018
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Yuho Yazaki, Motoko Hirayama, Body-part Motion Synthesis System and its Evaluation for Discovery Learning of Dance, IEICE Transactions on Information and Systems, vol.E99-D, no.4, pp.1024-1031, Apr. 2016
- Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Yusuke Niwa, Yoshihiro Okada, Archives and Exhibits of Buddhist Ceremonial Processions for Museum, Transactions of the Virtual Reality Society of Japan, vol.19, no.3, pp.405-412, Sep. 2014
- Jonah Salz, Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Inter-medial Experiment in Noh-kyogen-projections in A Spider's Thread, Ryukoku University Intercultual Studies, vol.15, pp.37-52, May. 2011
- Jonah Salz, Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Tradition Meets Technohlogy: Integrating Japanese Noh & New Technology in Shakespeare's Macbeth, Body, Space & Technology Journal, vol.9, no.1, Apr. 2010
- Jonah Salz, Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Shakespeare's Sleep No More: Macbeth Made Noh/New, English/Japanese, Actual/Virtual, Ryukoku University Intercultual studies, vol.14, pp.127-168, Mar. 2010
- Bin Umino, Jeffrey S. Longstaff, Asako Soga, Feasibility Study for Ballet E-learning: Automatic Composition System for Ballet Encha?nement with Online 3D Motion Data Archive, Research in Dance Education, vol.10, no.1, pp.17-32, Mar. 2009
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Takami Yasuda, Shigeki Yokoi, Automatic Composition and Simulation System for Ballet Sequences, The Visual Computer, vol.23, no.5, pp.309-316, May. 2007
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Jeffrey S. Longstaff , Automatic Composition of Ballet Sequences Using a 3D Motion Archive, Review of the National Center for Digitization, Issue 8, pp.67-73, Oct. 2006
International Conferences |
- Taichi Yano, Asako Soga, Kunihiko Oda, A Real-time Visualization System of Muscle Activity in Movements Using VR Device, Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) 2024 (Langkawi, Malaysia), Jan. 2024
- Takuto Hirakida, Asako Soga, Kunihiko Oda, VR Interface for Creating and Editing Dance Movements with Time and Space Parameters, Proc. of International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) 2024 (Langkawi, Malaysia), Jan. 2024
- Asako Soga, Takumu Matsushita, Movement Creation by Choreographers with a Partially Self-controllable Human Body in VR, Proc. of the 29th ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, Article No.66, pp.1-2 (Christchurch, New Zealand), Oct. 2023
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Experimental Creation of Contemporary Dance Works Using a Body-part Motion Synthesis System, Proc. of the 8th International Conference on Movement and Computing, Article No.21, pp.1-5 (Chicago, USA), Jun. 2022
- Takumu Matsushita, Asako Soga, Prototype System of Dance Movement Creation by VR Experience of Augmented Human Body, Proc. of NICOGRAPH International 2022, p.104 (Online), Jun. 2022
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Experimental Creation of Dance by Professional Choreographers Using a Body-part Motion Synthesis System, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2020, pp.117-120 (Online), Oct. 2020
- Asako Soga, Takuzi Suzuki, VR Appreciation System for Fountain Pens and Analysis of User Behaviors in Museum Exhibition, Proc. of International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction 2020, LNCS 12201, pp.532-541(Online), Jul. 2020
- Asako Soga, Creation and Live Performance of Dance and Music Based on a Body-part Motion Synthesis System, Proc. of The 17th International Conference on Virtual-Reality Continuum and its Applications in Industry, Article No. 42, pp.1-2 (Brisbane, Australia), Nov. 2019
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Body-part Motion Synthesis System for Discovery Learning of Dance: Dance Creation Experiments with Students in Three Countries, Proc. of Generative Art, Futuring Past, pp.56-65 (Rome, Italy), Jun. 2019
- Sho Nakadaira, Asako Soga, Kunihiko Oda, A System to Support Kinematic Analysis by Visualizing Human Motion with CG, Proc. of SPIE 11049, International Workshop on Advanced Image Technology (IWAIT) 2019, 110490O, 6 pages (Singapore), Mar. 2019
- Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Takuzi Suzuki, Computer-Aided Sugoroku Games in the Edo Period Using Interactive Techniques for Museum Exhibits, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2018, pp.132-137 (Singapore), Oct. 2018
- Asako Soga, Yuho Yazaki, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Automatic Synthesizing System of Choreography for Supporting Contemporary Dance Creation, Proc. of XX Generative Art Conference, pp.78-87 (Ravenna, Italy), Dec. 2017
- Asako Soga, Support System Using Motion Data for Creating Solo Performances of Shorinji Kempo, Proc. of the International Conference on Culture and Computing 2017, pp.161-162 (Kyoto, Japan), Sep. 2017
- Asako Soga, Yuho Yazaki, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Body-Part Motion-Synthesis System for Contemporary Dance Creation, The 43rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH2016), Research Posters, No.4 (Anaheim, USA), Jul. 2016
- Asako Soga, Interactive Systems of Sliding-door Arrangements for Museum Exhibition of a Temple, Proc. of the 20th Annual Conference of Museums and the Web 2016 (Los Angeles, USA), Apr. 2016
- Asako Soga, Virtual Show, Go In!: Walk-through System and VR Goggles of a Temple for Museum Exhibits, Proc. of the International Conference on Culture and Computing 2015, pp.199-200 (Kyoto, Japan), Oct. 2015
- Yuho Yazaki, Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Automatic Composition by Body-part Motion Synthesis for Supporting Dance Creation, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2015, pp.200-203 (Gotland, Sweden), Oct. 2015
- Bin Umino, Asako Soga, Yuho Yazaki, Motoko Hirayama, Choreographic Education for Contemporary Dance Using 3D Motion Data, Abstracts of the International Symposium on Performance Science 2015, pp.151-152 (Kyoto, Japan), Sep. 2015
- Asako Soga, Itsuo Yoshida, Interactive Control of Dance Groups Using Kinect, Proc. of 10th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pp.362-365 (Berlin, Germany), Mar. 2015
- Bin Umino, Asako Soga, Automatic Composition Software for Three Genres of Dance Using 3D Motion Data, Proc. of the 17th Generative Art Conference, pp.79-90 (Roma, Italy), Dec. 2014
- Bin Umino, Asako Soga, Motoko Hirayama, Significance and Possibility of E-Learning for Choreographic Skills in Contemporary Dance, Proc. of the 22nd International Conference on Computers in Education, pp.793-798 (Nara, Japan), Dec. 2014
- Bin Umino, Asako Soga, Motoko Hirayama, Feasibility Study for Contemporary Dance E-Learning: An Interactive Creation Support System Using 3D Motion Data, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2014, pp.71-76 (Santander, Spain), Oct. 2014
- Asako Soga, Keisuke Tsuda, Bin Umino, A System for Generating Choreography on Demand using Dance Motion, Proc. of NICOGRAPH International 2014, pp.111-114 (Gotland, Sweden), May. 2014
- Asako Soga, Yusuke Niwa, Masahito Shiba, Yoshihiro Okada, Digital Archive and Exhibiting Methods of a Buddhist Ceremonial Procession, Proc. of the 9th International Conference on Signal Image Technology & Internet Based Systems, pp.372-377 (Kyoto, Japan), Dec. 2013
- Inggrama Aziz Anjani, Asako Soga, Motion Synthesis Methods for Supporting Dance Creation, The ACM SIGGRAPH Conference on Motion in Games 2013, poster (Dublin, Ireland), Nov. 2013
- Jonah Salz, Masahito Shiba, Asako Soga, Spectator Interaction with CG Animations in Noh-style Performance: Hanging by a Thread, Proc. of the International Conference on Culture and Computing 2013, pp.173-174 (Kyoto, Japan), Sep. 2013
- Asako Soga, Sakiko Matsumoto, A Motion Synthesis System for Dance using a Tablet, Proc. of the ACM SIGGRAPH Symposium on Interactive 3D Graphics and Games, p.178 (Orlando, USA), Mar. 2013
- Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Jonah Salz, An Enhanced Stage Performance of Noh-Kyogen using Motion Data and Sensor Interactions, Proc. of the 11th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Application in Industry, pp.127-134 (Singapore), Dec. 2012
- Asako Soga, Itsuo Yoshida, A Simulation System for Dance Groups using a Gamepad, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pp.365-368 (Rome, Italy), Feb. 2012
- Masahito Shiba, Asako Soga, Jonah Salz, Enhancement of Stage Performances by Projecting CG Animation and Control of Images with Sensors, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2011, pp.69-76 (Banff, Canada), Oct. 2011
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Virtual Dance Theatre: Publication of Classical Ballet Solo Animation in Web3D Environment, The 38rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH2011), Research Posters, No.8A (Vancouver, Canada), Aug. 2011
- Yoshiyuki Kohno, Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, A System for Motion Synthesis of Human Body Parts using a Touch Panel, Proc. of the 9th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Application in Industry, pp.145-146 (Seoul, Korea), Dec. 2010
- Masahito Shiba, Asako Soga, Jonah Salz, A CG Projection Method of Supporting to Stage Live Performances, Proc. of the 9th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Application in Industry, pp.67-70 (Seoul, Korea), Dec. 2010
- Masahito Shiba, Asako Soga, Jonah Salz, Enhancement of Stage Performances with Projected CG and Noh Motions, Proc. of 7th International Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology, 2 pages (Taipei, Taiwan), Nov. 2010
- Asako Soga, Ronan Boulic, Daniel Thalmann, Motion Planning and Animation Variety using Dance Motion Clips, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2010, pp.421-424 (Singapore), Oct. 2010
- Asako Soga, Jonah Salz, Masahito Shiba, A Spider's Thread: Enhanced Stage Performance with Projected CG using Noh Mocap, Digital Resources for the Humanities & Arts 2010 (London, UK), Sep. 2010
- Bin Umino, Asako Soga, Motoko Hirayama, Choreographic Creation of Contemporary Dance Using Motion Data Archives and 3DCG, Digital Resources for the Humanities & Arts 2010 (London, UK), Sep. 2010
- Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Jonah Salz, Choreography Composition and Live Performance on a Noh Stage, Proc. of the 8th ACM SIGGRAPH International Conference on Virtual Reality Continuum and its Application in Industry, pp.317-318 (Yokohama, Japan), Dec. 2009
- Masahito Shiba, Asako Soga, Jonah Salz, A Virtual Performance System and its Application on a Noh Stage, Proc. of the 2009 ACM Symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp.267-268 (Kyoto, Japan), Nov. 2009
- Tsuyoshi Matsuoka, Asako Soga, Kazuhiro Fujita, A Retrieval System for Ballet Steps using Three-dimensional Motion Data, Proc. of the 5th International Conference on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing, pp.1144-1147 (Kyoto, Japan), Sep. 2009
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Automatic Composition for Contemporary Dance using 3D Motion Clips: Experiment on Dance Training and System Evaluation, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2009, pp.171-176 (Bradford, UK), Sep. 2009
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Motoko Hirayama, Automatic Composition for Contemporary Dance Sequences, The 1st ACM SIGGRAPH Conference and Exhibition in Asia, Sketches (Singapore), Dec. 2008
- Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Tetsuya Kawamoto, An Attempt of Real-time CG Control with Multi-touch Devices, Proc. of the 2008 ACM symposium on Virtual Reality Software and Technology, pp.277-278 (Bordeaux, France), Oct. 2008
- Asako Soga, Learning Support System for Rhythmic Gymnastics Rules Using 3D Animation, Proc. of International Technology, Education and Development Conference, 8 pages (Valencia, Spain), Mar. 2008
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Automatic Composition of Dramatic Movement - Analysis and Algorithm for Creating Contemporary Dance Sequences -, Proc. of 3rd International Conference on Computer Graphics Theory and Applications, pp.322-325 (Funchal, Portugal), Jan. 2008
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, An Attempt of Dance Sequence Composition - Blending Ballet and Contemporary Dance -, Proc. of 4th International Conference on Enactive Interfaces, pp.409-412 (Grenoble, France), Nov. 2007
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Takami Yasuda, Shigeki Yokoi, Automatic Composition and Simulation System for Ballet Sequences Using 3D Motion Archive, Proc. of International Conference on Cyberworlds 2006, pp.43-49 (Lausanne, Switzerland), Nov. 2006
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Takami Yasuda, Shigeki Yokoi, Web3D Dance Composer: Automatic Composition of Ballet Sequences, The 33rd International Conference on Computer Graphics and Interactive Techniques (SIGGRAPH2006), Research Posters, No.5 (Boston, USA), Jul. 2006
- Bin Umino, Jeffrey S. Longstaff, Asako Soga, Laban Motif of Algorithms for Automatic Generation of Dance Sequences in "Web3D Dance Composer", Proc. of the 24h biennial conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban (ICKL), vol.2, pp.303-324 (London, UK), Jul. 2005
- Bin Umino, Asako Soga, Jeffrey S. Longstaff, Web3D Dance Composer: Laban Motif of Algorithms for Non-linear Choreography, Monaco Dance Forum 2004 (Monte-Carlo, Monaco), Dec. 2004
- Asako Soga, Web3D Dance Composer: A Web-based Ballet Performance Simulation System, Proc. of 11th International Symposium on Electronic Art, pp.16-19 (Nagoya, Japan), Oct. 2002
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Jeffrey S. Longstaff, Automatic Composition of Ballet Sequences Using a 3D Motion Archive, Book of Extended Abstracts of the 1st South-Eastern European Digitization Initiative Conference, pp.126-129 (Ohrid, Macedonia), Sep. 2005
- Bin Umino, Jeffrey S. Longstaff, Asako Soga, Laban Motif of Algorithms for Automatic Generation of Dance Sequences in "Web3D Dance Composer", Proc. of the 24h biennial conference of the International Council of Kinetography Laban (ICKL), vol.2, pp.303-324 (London, UK), Jul. 2005
- Bin Umino, Asako Soga, Jeffrey S. Longstaff, Web3D Dance Composer: Laban Motif of Algorithms for Non-linear Choreography, Monaco Dance Forum 2004 (Monte-Carlo, Monaco), Dec. 2004
- Bin Umino, Jeffrey S. Longstaff, Asako Soga, Web3D Dance Composer; Preserving the Character of Classical Ballet Enchainement in an Online User-editable Simulation System, 18th World Congress of Dance Research, CF04124 (Argos, Greece), Nov. 2004
- Asako Soga, Bin Umino, Takami Yasuda, Shigeki Yokoi, A System for Choreographic Simulation of Ballet Using a 3D Motion Archive on the Web, Articulated Motion and Deformable Objects 2004, LNCS 3179, pp.227-238 (Palma de Mallorca, Spain), Sep. 2004
- Asako Soga, Web3D Dance Composer: A Web-based Ballet Performance Simulation System, Proc. of 11th International Symposium on Electronic Art, pp.16-19 (Nagoya, Japan), Oct. 2002
- Asako Soga, Mamoru Endo, Takami Yasuda, Motion Description and Composing System for Classic Ballet Animation on the Web, Proc. of 10th IEEE Robot and Human Communication, pp.134-139 (Bordeaux-Paris, France), Sep. 2001
Lectures |
- Asako Soga, Body-part Motion Synthesis System for Discovery Learning of Dance, "Generative Art, Futuring Past" for the Letterature Festival internazionale di Roma 2019, Jun. 2019
- Asako Soga, Simulation of Dancing Groups using Motion Data, International Symposium: Human Body Motion Analysis with Motion Capture (Shiga, Japan), Jan. 2012
- Jonah Salz, Asako Soga, Masahito Shiba, Weaving Akutagawa's A Spider Thread with Noh-kyogen Actors & 3DCG, International Symposium: Human Body Motion Analysis with Motion Capture, pp.51-59 (Kyoto, Japan), Jan. 2011
- Asako Soga, Automatic Composition for Ballet and Contemporary Dance, International Symposium: Human Body Motion Analysis with Motion Capture, pp.47-52 (Kyoto, Japan), Jan. 2009
- Asako Soga, Data and Programs of "Web3D Dance Composer" - A System for Choreographic Simulation of Ballet -, Laban Centre (London, UK), Sep. 2004