Comparison of Classical Ballet and Contemporary Dance using Principal Component Analysis |
Classical ballet is a traditional dance, and it has a strictly defined basic stance and fundamental motions such as straightening the upper body, opening the leg outside, and standing on tiptoe. On the other hand, in contrast to ballet, there is no basic posture in contemporary dance that developed into specific movements but rather a wide variety of possible movements. In this research, we propose to quantitatively analyze the differences between classical ballet and contemporary dance by using motion capture data. First, the quantity of physical characteristics was calculated. To examine the inclination of the head and the upper part of the body, the angle of the head and posture was calculated. To examine the direction of bending and stretching the arm, the angle of the elbow was calculated. To examine whether the dancer was standing on tiptoe and the direction of the foot, the angle of the heel was calculated. Then, Principal Component Analysis was executed for the amount of the calculated physical characteristics to verify whether a special tendency appeared. As a result, the differences between the two kinds of dance could be confirmed.